#2 - Content on the Page (Keyword Density)
You want to provide unique information, that means don’t copy and paste from Wikipedia if you want to rank. Put it in your own words if you want to have success online.
#8 - Photographs, Banners, and Any Type of Image
If your images are optimized it can help you rank higher for search terms.
If you tie all of this together you will see an improvement in your rankings over time. On-Site SEO is not the end of the process by any means, it’s just telling the search engines what you want to show up for, yet in many cases it will get you first pages. For the more competitive terms there is more work needed.
#9 - Optimization for Other Devices Responsive Design
This is important both for your SEO and your site design. More and more people are using their smartphones or tablets to do searches. If your site is not optimized for smartphones your missing out on a lot of business.
Would you be more likely to call a business you looked up on your phone if you could just click a button on the site and have it load the number into your phone?
Most people like the path of least resistance don’t make your site hard for them to use and you are more likely to get the customers.